
Shacman dijelovi

  • DZ97189570281,The position sensor of the accelerator pedal assembly generates a corresponding voltage signal and inputs it into the throttle control unit. The control unit first filters the input signal to eliminate the influence of environmental noise, and sends the corresponding voltage signal to the drive circuit module, which drives and controls the motor. Ventil doseže optimalni položaj otvaranja.

  • DZ15221240320,The upper right pedal bracket assembly includes the panel assembly and reinforcing ribs. Ima dobar učinak apsorpcije udara, udoban osjećaj stopala i lako održavanje.

  • DZ93189551620, senzor goriva pruža podatke elektroničkom upravljačkom sustavu motora, pomažući upravljačkom sustavu da postigne optimalnu smjesu i poboljšava ekonomiju i snagu motora.

  • 612630060015, separator nafte i plina pogodan je za Shacman modele.

  • Shacman Spring Pin DZ9100520065